Following the success of his 1984 debut album Human’s Lib, Howard Jones recorded and released Dream Into Action in 1985. The first single release from the new record was “Things Can Only Get Better.” Jones decided to write this positive song for his new found audience explaining:
“People are listening to me, so what can I give them that is really going to help? And everyone goes through s--t. Everyone goes through bad times. Every single person on the planet goes through bad times. And it's great sometimes to have somebody say to you, 'Come on, even if it gets so you lose everything and everything goes horribly wrong, you can still pick yourself up and go forward, and you can make it right, you can make things get better.'"
In celebration of Howard Jones’ 69th birthday we are making “Things Can Only Get Better” today’s ear X-tacy.
Today's ear X-tacy features a classic track or deep-cut from the Alternative era every weekday at 10:10.