Dewey Kincade has been making music as long as WFPK has been around. We first started playing him in 1996 when the station switched formats from classical to alternative rock. Dewey's music fit the bill with well crafted folk-tinged rock songs and great hooks. He's had a long career of being part of the Louisville music scene from playing in a hardcore band (Downpour) to psych rock (Satori) to folk rock with The Navigators. He lived in New York, toured across the country, and has had some success with placement of his songs in film and television. After years of making music, a bout with cancer, dry spells, a move back to Louisville, and hard effort, his new album with his band The Navigators may be his best yet, called Standing On A Rock. For Standing on a Rock he teamed up with Grammy-nominated mixer/producer Andrew McKenna Lee who gave the performances by Dewey, Brian, Naren and Cuzin D what they deserved: a great sounding record full of songs that tell stories, pure rock-n-roll, and lots of texture in style and dynamics. Check out the title track below or listen to the whole thing. You won't be disappointed!
Dewey Kincade Returns With His Best Album Yet: Standing On A Rock

Andrew Dailinger