Corey Finley joins Kyle Meredith to delve into his latest film, "Landscape With Invisible Hand," a thought-provoking story set in a world where an occupying alien species' bureaucratic rule has left Earth's population impoverished and jobless as two teenagers embark on a daring plan to secure their families' futures.
Finley explains his motivation for adapting the M.T. Anderson book and elaborates on the sci-fi films of the 80s and indie cinema of the 90s that influenced his work. He reflects on the casting choices, including Tiffany Haddish, Kylie Rogers, Asante Blackk, and Josh Hamilton, and how they brought the characters to life.
The conversation delves into the curious fascination of the aliens with 1950s American television, offering a glimpse into Finley's own perspective on the dark future and Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, he discusses the film's music and the contributions of composer Michael Abels, which serve as a captivating soundtrack to the story.
Watch the interview above and then check out the trailer below.