The cast of "Minx" gathers for a conversation with Kyle Meredith, delving into the intricacies of the show's second season, currently airing on Starz. Featuring Lennon Parham (Shelly), Jessica Lowe (Bambi), Oscar Montoya (Richie), and Idara Victor (Tina), the cast discusses the show's commitment to portraying an authentic 70s narrative.
The conversation centers on the show's dedication to highlighting important themes of equality and representation that were prominent during that era. The cast members share insights into their characters' development, underlining the depth and complexity that each actor brings to their role.
Viewers are treated to intriguing musings as the cast ponders which musician they would choose to spend time with if they could journey back to the 70s. This sparks a discussion about the vibrant music scene of the time and the influential figures that shaped the era.
The cast also explores the eccentric world of photography during the 70s, shedding light on the unique visual aesthetics that defined the period. Their anecdotes about cast karaoke parties offer a glimpse into the camaraderie and fun that permeates behind the scenes.
Watch the interview above and then check out the video below.