“A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” — Maya Angelou
It was songs about "BIRDS" for The Friday Ride Home today and there are so many! Spring is a busy time for birds, so they've been on my mind a lot. I personally love birds, especially Chickadees, the Tufted Titmouse, all birds of prey, and of course Kentucky's state bird which is the Cardinal. But folks seem to like to write about Crows, Blackbirds, and Ravens the most. Did my best to find songs about other kinds such as a Flamingo (Violent Femmes), Penguins (Lyle Lovett) and even Parrots (Breathe Owl Breathe)! It was so much fun taking a deep dive into songs that mention birds and I had some great suggestions from a flock of listeners too, which I included in the playlist. Let your imagination take flight as you listen and have a great weekend!