Kyle Ayres of Buck The Taxidermist, a Lexington, KY. based band, recently teamed up with songwriter Emily Hines and created a beautiful song called "Hoopla". The song was just released today, Aug. 2, on most streaming platforms. It explores that feeling when life is good and bad at the same time for which there is no word in the English language for...yet. Emily tells us what inspired the song:
"i usually think of panic as a brief thing—this momentary tsunami of helplessness that floods your system in an instant and leaves you cried out and tired. but what do you do when the panic lingers? i think i’ve always felt a certain cosmic dread, even in my happiest moments. there’s always some grave concerns about the world lurking in my head.
buck & i got together and talked about that feeling—like everything’s going to hell, but everything fine? and what do you do with that feeling? how do you make it go away? should you? how do you stay rooted in reality and not hide away from the hard stuff while also not allowing it to flood and consume all of the endless beauty and love in our lives? i think opening up with the people you love and letting them hear your thoughts—heavy and happy alike—is a great first step."