Peace, Love & Louisville is a web series featuring Louisville musicians covering songs of the 1960's as we gear up for our Top 500 Albums of The 60's Countdown beginning Dec. 6th. Dorney & Barb is Dorney Thompson and Barb Hawley also known as Dorney & Friends. Their harmonies are sublime and so is their cover of the Simon & Garfunkel classic "Homeward Bound" which first appeared on the 1966 album Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Dorney & Barb had a regular gig at Saints every Wednesday pre-pandemic. Now they perform live on Facebook every Wednesday evening, featuring favorite songs with that harmony we just mentioned. Check out their homemade video of the tune and Barb's fabulous tye-dyed shirt! Extra points for that! Barb is a professional visual artist and you can see her more of her work here.