Ironically, protests against police brutality in our City has brought about police brutality in our City. Louisville rapper YGB JAY produced a short video expressing his outrage and the outrage shared by many. From his Facebook page:
"Louisville, Kentucky's Own YGB JAY released a video to his song "ANARCHY” Produced by St. Louis, Missouri’s own SAG LIVE *This is A tribute to Breonna Taylor and David Mcatee both Slain by LMPD without CONVICTIONS.* **Breonna Taylor was Gunned down in her Own home in Louisville March 13th 2020. She was an Active EMT worker and Innocent life taken at the hands of LMPD during a Botched “No Knock” home invasion. **David Mcatee was Active Small business Owner and Prominent Community figure in the Heart on the Westend. Has Maintained his life and business in one of the most dangerous areas in Louisville only to be gunned down in his own Business by LMPD and The National Guard while conducting business as they try to dismember a peaceful Protest outside on June 1st 2020."