For today's Louisville Music COVIDiary, we feature Eric Kerr and his song "What A Woman". Eric is the bassist of Louisville’s own Rigbys, Brutally Handsome and Eric & The Iconics. Eric says about his song:
This song is called “What A Woman”. I wrote this song when my wife and I were newly married. October will make 25 years!
During the pandemic, I’ve been fortunate enough to work, although I did self quarantine for two weeks, during which time I hit the home studio a bit, and to get my music fix, I shared videos on Facebook just so I can perform for someone other than the family and our dog! I hope you like it!
Louisville Music COVIDiary, a series of posts that highlight some of our vibrant, talented, and amazing musicians in and around our City as they deal with the effects of the COVID19 Pandemic. One of the most devastating effects for musicians has been the forced closure of our music venues and other places for artists to perform, leaving many without much needed income and disconnected from their audiences. In this series, we have asked musicians to send us a song or story about what they are going through during this strange and uncertain time. We also told them they can share whatever they want. We trust our local musicians’ creativity!
If you'd like to participate, please upload your video to YouTube then send the link to Laura Shine at