There must be something in the water, the dirt or the air in Athens, Georgia. This small college town has given birth to music notables like Pylon, R.E.M., B-52’s and Drive By Truckers to name a few. Meet New Madrid, a four piece indie band that blends catchy psych rock with a slightly twisted kind of pop. While they don't sound much like the fore mentioned bands, they do draw from the same elemental sources as the Classic City legends. The result is jangly, 80s indie with the rhythms of post-punk. Currently on tour supporting Liz Cooper & The Stampede, you can catch them in action at Zanzabar this Friday. For a taste of what you can expect, check out the trippy-shoegaze vibe of Knots, a track from their last album magnetkingmagnetqueen. This is New Madrid, The Opening Act!
The Opening Act: New Madrid