When rock band Augustana's original lineup disbanded earlier this decade, frontman Dan Layus continued recording under that name – until now. The Nashville-based musician released his debut solo album "Dangerous Things" on Oct. 21., which sees him headed in a more Alternative-Country/American direction. Layus says the tune "Dangerous Things" came to him one afternoon when he was "stumbling around some chords and the phrase 'I can't help playing with playing with dangerous things' popped into his head after he was exploring some melodies. "I can't explain how or why it happens, but when it does it feels like everything makes perfect sense," he says. We're excited to have Dan join us this Friday for Live Lunch.
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About Live Lunch
WFPK hosts Live Lunch every Friday at noon. Come see your favorite local and touring artists perform live in the Louisville Public Media performance studio at 619 S. Fourth Street in downtown Louisville. Doors open around 11:30 AM.
If you’re a WFPK member at $10/month or more, you can reserve a free lunch from the City Café (first 50 callers receive a lunch). Call 502-814-6565 up to one week in advance and at least 24 hours in advance.
WFPK members at $15/month or above can enter for a chance to win front-row reserved seats. Reserved seats will be drawn at noon on Tuesdays.
Brown bag your lunch, and join us for this free performance. If you can’t make the performance in person, listen live at 91.9 WFPK Radio Louisville. Due to fire code regulations, space in the performance studio is limited to 70 people.
All Live Lunch concerts are subject to change.
We kindly ask that guests adhere to our attendance policy during live broadcasts:
– Absolutely no disruptive noises or distractions are permitted.
– Guests are to enter and exit between selections.
– Our friends at T-Mobile would like to remind you to please turn off all cell phones and pagers.
– No cameras or recording devices are permitted without prior approval.