"The Get Down", the new drama series on Netflix written and directed by Baz Luhrmann, tells the tale of hip-hop's early days, the last days of disco and cultural trends that emerged from the South Bronx in the late '70s, such as graffiti art, and the popularity of kung fu and exploitation films. "The Get Down: The Original Soundtrack" has received critical praise, with NPR’s Fresh Air calling the soundtrack “electrifying” and Entertainment Weekly declaring it “…operatic and grand.” This soundtrack is much more than hip hop though, featuring a lot of deep cuts from 70's street soul, r&b, disco, and funk, as well as cool remixes and new cuts from Michael Kiwanuka and Leon Bridges. We'll be digging deep into the record's 29 tracks this month as "The Get Down" is WFPK's Album of the Month.
More information: The Get Down | Twitter | Facebook | Track Listing
( Warning: video contains brief adult language)