IN WHICH local creators of cartoons are celebrated, and James celebrates a couple of real-life cartoon characters.
Briana's pick: Louisville Cartoonist Society
Louisville is one of the most creative cities around, believe it. This town is full of interesting people doing interesting things 24/7. Recently a bunch of those creative types got together to form the Louisville Cartoonist Society. The group consists of cartoonists, comic artists, and writers who collaborate and inspire each other to produce artwork. The group recently put together their first anthology (The First! Louisville Cartoonist Society Anthology) and they are having a party to celebrate tonight (Friday, 4/16) at Skull Alley on Broadway starting at 7pm (music at 8—all ages, $5). “Comics and Rock” will feature work by members of the Society as well as music by The Shondes, Second Story Man, Adventure, and Laura Borealis.
If you aren’t able to come down to Skull Alley, make sure you stop by Stop 5 Art Studio (2044 Frankfort Ave in the back of Clifton Art Supply) for a more formal showing of comic art April 23rd – April 30th. Or hey—just go buy the Anthology. Available at local bookstores, arts supply stores, and comic loving joints throughout Louisville!
James' pick: Insane Clown Posse's "Miracles"
NOTE: The first two videos below contain adult language.
Man, this is unexpected: The Insane Clown Posse is winning me over.
First, there is this great recent appearance on Nightline, in which the guys demonstrate that they are about five times more level-headed and logical and thoughtful than the interviewer. No lie, at about 22 minutes in, he takes them to task for making products and selling them in order to make a profit - also known as What Everybody In The World Is Trying To Do Every Single Day. And when Shaggy, accosted over violent imagery in their songs, simply asks "How come nobody ever sits Stephen King down to talk about this?", you've gotta admit that he's absolutely right. Plus, they come off as pleasant, nice, hard-working guys.
Then ... then ... THEN ...there is this:
You see, for all of their violent imagery and whatnot, turns out ICP were planning the mother of all twist endings. In the song "Thy Unveiling," they reveal that their songs about the Dark Carnival and the six joker cards and all of that were an allegory for finding God. And so they're all about family and positivity and the wonder of creation. I mean, magnets. How do they work?
One more, then I'll let it go. But watch this and tell me it isn't totally badass: