That last few years have lent to great entertainment watching new up and coming indie acts finding new ways to disassemble the tried and true act of the marketing campaign. One of the standout areas were bands making their name not so much on their music, but rather because of their visuals on youtube. Pomplamoose, a fantastic duo from California have been doing just that through regular video postings that have caught as much attention for their original songs as the off-center cover songs they’ve chosen – all available in audio form as well for a base price on their website. One of the biggest videos yet was a cover of Beyonce’s earworm, "Single Ladies", which gained well over a million views not long after its upload. But what’s great, it’s a real song, done with a soul and a knack for having a good time. Pomplamoose with Single Ladies on The Daily Feed.
For today's Video Feed, it only makes sense to plant the mesmerizing aforementioned cover here. I say mesmerizing because of the way she looks at the camera, into your eyes the whole time. Its hard to look away. Enjoy. :-)