A warning: don't watch this video if you want to enjoy the acting work of Billy Bob Thornton ever again.
A little bit of context: the interviewer is Jian Ghomeshi, formerly of the band Moxy Fruvous. Billy Bob Thornton evidently has a band, and compares himself to Tom Petty without irony. He is also a "musical historian."
Anyway, he throws a petulant little hissy fit when Jian mentions that he has had a career as an actor. Jian handles it pretty well, I think, although I would have ended the interview and politely shown the musical historian to the door after about five minutes.
Confusing the matter is the notion that it might be all a stunt, or some kind of weird performance art a la Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman. BBT's guitar player is the legitimate musician and known prankster Unknown Hinson, after all, who you can see in this video out of character (and using his "real name" Stuart Daniel Baker. Stu D. Baker? Really?). At times he looks like he's smirking, but that could be just because he finds the whole spectacle darkly thrilling.
At any rate, um, "enjoy"? Maybe they can go on tour with 40 Odd Foot of Grunts soon.
BONUS! THIS JUST IN! Joaquin Phoenix interviews Billy Bob Thornton: