Just came back from the BB King show and I had to share some thoughts about it. First, I misspoke re: the crowd thinning out. Perhaps a few left, but I think most people just slept in after MMJ and all the other great late night acts. Everybody is back out in force now, however. Bonnaroo vet Ben Folds just finished up as well on the Which Stage (the second largest venue) and he had his usual large crowd. But BB King had the LOVE, baby. I was impressed with the sea of humanity that turned out to catch his set.
Secondly, BB is an 82 year old and I’m sure most people thought this might be their last chance to see the "King Of The Blues." BB himself joked about this; he said he’s heard this for several years but intends to come back to Bonnaroo. The crowd LOVED him. It was like they were jamming to their really cool Grand Pa. BB was full of humor, too. He mentioned that sometimes now he can’t finish what he starts (wink wink) … and after a pause he noted you guys are to young to have that problem. J
He finished by reminding the audience that tomorrow is Father’s Day, and for this afternoon BB is our collective father.
Alas, my camera has died, but above is a photo of The Raconteurs I took yesterday. The size of the crowd was similar.