As we head into late May, it’s time to start thinking about Bonnaroo, one of the largest music festivals in the USA. Held mid-June in Manchester Tennessee, it’s always an amazing event. But if you plan on going, now is the time to do some prep work.
1st: If you drink any kind of fluid out of 2 litter bottles, start saving your
empty bottles.
I rinse several out and then fill them with good ‘ol Louisville tap H2O. A few days before I head out, I’ll freeze the bottles and then fill up my coolers with these plus what ever I absolutely must keep cool.
Be forewarned that no matter how much ice you leave with, nearly all of it will be liquid by the last day of the festival. Manchester Tennessee in mid June hovers in the low to mid 90’s for afternoon temperatures. You can buy ice in the shopping area of Bonnaroo called Centeroo, but it will seriously cost you. I’ll top off my coolers (if you have the space, the more coolers the better) with chipped ice just before I go. 2 litters stay frozen longer than the chipped ice, plus you can use their eventual liquid for drinking water and a source for a cold morning in-camp shower. Trust me, you’ll be wanting to cool off by the 3rd day.
2nd: More importantly, you’ll want to start planning on what bands you’ll
want to see. The people that run Bonnaroo keep the final band/stage time schedule under wraps until the last minute, but here is a link to Inforoo, which has general festival tips plus a day by day list of the bands. PS: I made a correction so this should send you to the 2008 line-up.