Here at Classical Louisville we build our playlist from a library that currently holds thousands of pieces of music. Plus new pieces are getting recorded every day, and sent to us via publicists from around the world.
But we don’t just consider the submissions the come from publicists. Individuals and independent ensembles can also send their recordings to be considered for inclusion in our playlists. You can email digital files directly to music director Colleen Phelps at You can also mail a CD to the station.
When you do here’s a few things we hope you’ll keep in mind:
Is it good radio?
There’s no good litmus test for a positive answer to that question, but there’s some things that generally won’t make it on air. Anything that includes long silence or static generally won’t be a good experience for radio listeners. We love to know about it in other contexts though. The recordings do need to be clean - live performances are rarely played, and if they are then they are free from audience noise. MIDI realizations are not suited for radio.
What sticks out to us is always something new. A piece we haven't heard before, a piece not previously recorded, or a fresh take on something old. We do pay close attention to groups not usually represented on classical radio, but anything classical will be considered.
Is it right for a classical station?
Plenty of great music crosses between multiple genres. Some of it fits on a classical station, and some of it doesn’t. If your music really feels like it at least has “one foot” in the classical genre, then send it our way.
Is this the information they need?
- We need to know all the details for every track: well-labeled track names, performer (with which instrument they play or voice type) and ensemble names, plus conductor if applicable.
- We need to know how to pronounce anything we say on-air, so pronunciation guides are very helpful.
- If we write any web content related to your album we’ll need a high-definition photo in landscape orientation with no words on it. Photo credit should be in the filename.
- It’s also great to have some program notes accessible online in case we want to introduce the music with a little added context.
Should I follow up?
Please be understanding: we get a lot of submissions every day, and it takes time to get through them all. The easier it is to access all of the music and the information from the start, the better. We don't send rejections or acceptances, so keep an eye out. And if you do follow up and we tell you "it wasn't right for us right now" that doesn't mean we didn't like it, or that you shouldn't send us your next recording project.
Classical music is a complex and varied genre. At WUOL over 800 years are represented in our library right now. And that collection is only made better with the exciting new tracks from today’s musicians like you. If you think it’s a fit, go ahead and submit!